When you are involved in a serious accident or injury at the expense of another, the financial expenses that follow should not be your responsibility to bear while your case is in progress. It could be months or even years before you see any money from your case. Medical bills, living expenses, and lost wages can all add up during that time. You shouldn’t have to struggle to feed yourself and your family because you have to pay the mortgage and are unable to work.
Instead of stressing about these costs while you wait for your settlement, consider one of Dynamic Legal Funding’s pre-settlement solutions to get the money you need now. We help families get back on their financial feet immediately, so their lives aren’t thrown into even more turmoil. Our solutions are designed to get you the money you need immediately so you can afford to see your case to completion instead of being forced to settle early.
"Dynamic Legal Funding has allowed me to stay in my apartment while my case proceeds."
"The entire process could not have been any easier."
"I received funding from DLF to cover the costs associated with the multiple surgeries I needed to repair my neck and back after being involved in a commercial truck accident."
Dynamic Legal Funding is a leading provider of pre-settlement funding. Though based in New York City, we offer solutions to people in need throughout the country. Here are just a few of the benefits of choosing Dynamic Legal Funding to help you in your time of need:
We will provide you with financial funding upfront, at some of the industry’s lowest rates, at no risk to you. The application process is clear and straightforward. You will need to provide us with certain information about your case an indicate the no interest in your case has previously been purchased by any other company.
Once you have done this, our staff will review your application. When the application is approved, you’ll receive a contract that indicates that Dynamic legal Funding will purchase an interest in your case. The contract will clearly state what you’ll pay once your case is resolved.
Call or email us today for an application that takes only five minutes to complete. You could have the money you need within 24 hours!